The Property Planet
The Property Planet
Buying Property at Auction - What to do, and what not to do; and when it goes horribly wrong!
In this weeks episode , our special guests are Hammered Auction House team of Piotr Rusinek and Jay Howard. They explain the function and the versatility of using an auction house, both to buy and sell property, and give us the top 5 mistakes that people make; plus some real horror stories of what can go wrong!
(Piotr and Jay can be contacted at www.hammeredauctions.co.uk)
Join us next week, where we are joined by Patrick Soares of Field Court Tax Chambers and Michael Bennett, entrepreneur and property developer. Patrick explains the optimum tax structures for holding property and Michael explained how he got into property development and what a steep learning curve it is from day 1.
A new episode will be uploaded each week, and if you have any burning questions or queries regarding any tax or legal topic surrounding UK property, then we would love you to send them in to to us at enquiries@bhptax.law, marked 'Property Planet' and we will try and include them in the next podcast.
Also if you would like to arrange a free 30 minute consultation on a particular tax or legal matter relating to UK property ownership, investment or development, then please contact the team on +44 20 7129 1432 or email us at enquiries@bhptax.law
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Team (bellhowleyperrotton.co.uk)